Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Back Side of May

It seems like it took forever at times. A long cold winter then a back and forth battle between seasons before winter finally gave way to a new growing season. Young goslings are visible now paddling about and feeding under watchful eyes. The Setters take it all in as we watch the world come to life. Sitting on the front lawn is a daily ritual now. I watch their noses constantly twitching as they survey the scents coming by on the wind. It's a parallel world we can only speculate about but to them it's very real. I wonder what spring is like through their noses.

Increasingly Mick and Molly are indifferent about going on walks. They let Beau go solo with me most of the time now. Their bodies tell them it's best. Stay quiet. Relax. Sleep away the afternoons. I worry about their maladies. The bumps which are tumors. So many of them now. Like time bombs. There's nothing to be done at this stage except keep them comfortable and enjoy these carefree days. Mick and Beau stick very close to me. People will try to tell you scientifically dog's are given to much credit for their real understanding and comprehension of our world as we see it. They are animals that really just live in the moment concerned with satisfying basic needs. Nothing more or less. I say there are people exactly like that and even more one dimensional. Less compassionate,understanding, and without empathy. In my reality I see the world differently and for those that discount a dog's life I'm not surprised you can't see what I see or feel what I feel. It's yet another parallel world. One I choose to live in and a place I'm most happy to be.

I've been up to the lake several times this spring loading up the Setters with everyone in their favorite places. They're glad to ride along. I open the windows and stop to let them see roosters alongside the road and in the ditches staking out their territory. It's fun to see the moment they focus on the birds. Ears go up and they extend their necks to catch a glimpse before the wily birds sneak away in the grass. We pass by many places we've walked together over the years as we drive along. They worked so hard and covered so much ground. I'm writing not only to share but to help remember as well. I take none of it for granted.

The forecast indicates the season is moving forward. More consistent growing weather ahead. For the Setters time will move faster now. The cycle of life is never interrupted and surely as these seasons come and go I know I will be forever changed as well. So I watch them closely for any sign of a down turn which will surely come. But for now these days are as precious as any we've spent. I observe their nuances and appreciate each of their distinct personalities in this time I call " The Back Side of May".

Monday, May 18, 2015

Central Plains Upland Forecast Spring 2015

Every spring upland hunters watch the weather with hopes of a better hatch and a return to the days when bird populations made us think the good old days would never end. My friend to the south 100 miles recently sent me his forecast.

Arlan: Glad to hear all is well in rural North Dakota. We had an open winter which I think helped a lot with what seems like a robust pheasant and duck nesting crop. The trick is finding some cover to nest in. But things are looking up as I heard Monsanto came up with a Pheasant that nests on gravel roads and cut soybean fields and is a prolific breeder as long as you spray them with Roundup at least twice a year. I'm loading up on Monsanto stock. Hope to get out and do a little fishing but first me and my friends at Monsanto have to try to get rid of some wormwood which is taking over my tree rows. Go Monsanto!